Valkoinen Valas


avamine 11.09.08  kell 19.00


Finnish artists group White Whale (Valkoinen Valas) consists of six female artists graduated from Art School Maa in 2006 and they have been working together ever since. The independent art group works on the themes of femininity and in versatile forms of contemporary art, based on the collective group mind characteristic to the group. Experiences are shared in projects and exhibitions distancing from the conventionality in art world. Groups´ principle is to have fun and act intuitive instead of deep-analyzing art!

Exhibition “Wall Flower” is groups first time abroad. Artists in White Whale are Marja Kuusi, Minnamaria Nurmi, Jaana Maijala, Eija Puistomaa, Pamela Puntti and Asta Vekki. They represent many art fields such as painting, graphic, installation art and photography. Groups’ purpose is to put these fields together and construct a subtle dialogue with different techniques and materialistic ideas following the theme ''wall flower''. 

Group has shared ideas and thoughts about the concept of wall flower. In the exhibition subjects such as leaving outside, independency and dependency, look, gaze and glance, object and subject, being looked at and beauty all come together and make a big picture. 

''Wall flower is a shy person, especially a girl or a woman who is frightened to involve herself in social activities and does not attract much interest or attention. Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor wall flower and ask her to dance.'' (From Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 

Valkoinen Valas wishes to confront more tolerant atmosphere in Estonia than in Finland being  tired of the clinical and everything-analyzing attitude predominating the art scene. The group hope that their point of view is interesting and that they can offer something special to Tallinn’s art scene. 

(Valkoinen Valas)


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